All new hook-ups from the water meter to each house must meet certain specifications. They are defined below.

The water customer stakes out location where they want the meter box installed. A stake will be provided to you. This location must be in an accessible area placed at the street right-of-way, and in an area that is protected from traffic and at final grade. System personnel will contact the customer if services cannot be installed at his preferred location. You must have your stake put out before work crews can start.
The Water District Distribution Division secures utility markings (DOTTIE) and installs the meter service.
The water customer shall install and maintain, at his own expense, a gate valve and valve box on the customers side of the meter box. This can be a gate or other similar type valve. This is to facilitate shut-off for repairs of customer’s service lines or leaks, etc. Customers or repairmen cannot use the service valve inside the meter service box. Any damage to the system valve, including water loss, will be billed to the customer. Approved backflow devices are installed at each meter by the water system. These must not be tampered with. Report any leaks at the meter service box or anywhere on the water system to the Water District.
The water customer shall install and maintain, Hose Bibb Vacuum Breakers on all outside /yard faucets.

The water customer shall install and maintain, at his own expense, a water service line that shall begin at the water service meter and extend to the dwelling or place of use.
The service line shall be installed in accordance with local codes and regulations.
The water service line must be a minimum of 1 inch.
The water service line must be at a minimum depth of 12 inch.
The water service line must be Six (6) ft. from any sewer line.
All outside/lawn faucets shall be equipped with Hose Bibb Vacuum Breakers.
A licensed plumber is required to connect service lines unless you choose to connect your own line. The Water District’s Inspector MUST check your connections. DO NOT cover your connections at the meter or at your well/line tie-in prior to this inspection. When the plumbing work is completed the Water Customer must notify the Water District to request an inspection and turn on meter service. (There is no charge for this service.)
The Water Customer agrees to comply with the requirements of the Louisiana State Sanitary Code that no other present or future source of water will be connected to any water lines served by the Water District’s water lines. All lines from private wells must be cut and capped (3 ft. dead space minimum) from the public water supply. (Ref. Sanitary Code State of Louisiana Sanitary Code; 12:016-1, Cross Connections.) The use of valves, including check is not permitted. Private wells can be used for washing or watering, providing that no physical connection is made with the public water supply.
The Water Customer shall connect his service lines to the Water District’s Distribution System and shall commence to use water from the system on the date that the water is made available to the Water Customer by the Water District. Water charges to the Water Customer shall commence on the date that the service is made available. A minimum will be charged regardless of any water use or not.
The Water Customer shall abide to all Regulations and Codes of the State of Louisiana Plumbing & Sanitary Codes, The Louisiana State Department of Health and Hospitals Regulations and Policies of the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District South. YOU MAY NEED TO COMPLY WITH ONE OR MORE OF THESE CODES AND REGULATIONS.
There is to be no piggybacking, or supplying more than one residence or structure from one water meter. A meter is to service only one household or structure.
ATTENTION: It is a violation of Louisiana Law to cut water meter locks or otherwise tamper with LPWDS water meters. All incidences of damage, theft, and/or tampering will be charged to the customer to recover all charges for such services.
The images below are recent examples of meter tampering violations.